a day in the life… april edition

i made a video for “C” for our most recent package (to go along with the photos and the letter that we send each month) and i thought you might enjoy seeing it too.  this is the first time i’ve posted a video of my own on my blog, so if it doesn’t work for you, please let me know and i’ll do some troubleshooting with J.

two months old from carissaabc on Vimeo.

it was fun to make this movie!  I used my iPhone for these videos, but i’d like to try the next one with our video camera to see if the quality is way better.  maybe (and this is a big MAYBE) we’ll do it every month to show how he’s grown?  That might help my video editing skills get better… It would work a little better if there were a second, non-baby person to hold the camera sometimes (i couldn’t really hold the camera while i was reading him a story, for instance).  or maybe I just need to set up our gorillapod….. we’ll see if any more ever actually happen!