I called four “away” agencies today and asked them a looooong list of questions (many were suggested questions from our local agency who kindly e-mailed them to me when I asked). On my social worker’s suggestion, I asked questions even if I knew the answers to them, because the tone of the reply gave me a feel for the general “mood” of the agency. It was amazing to me how some of the answers were pretty much the same across the board and some were radically different–at least in tone if not in content. One agency was really rushed (they had a client coming in for a meeting in three minutes), one agency felt very large and impersonal (funnily enough, they were the one website that claimed, “Don’t get lost in a BIG AGENCY”), others felt very homey and sensible. Gotta go mull over these answers…..
more agency shopping
May 7th, 2009 | Uncategorized
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