for those of you who have requested more photos, here’s a few. We’re really enjoying getting to know baby dude. my parents came up for a week and did tons of laundry and dish/bottle washing (thanks, mom!) and other projects around the house that sorely needed to be done and were likely to continue being ignored for the next little while (thanks, dad!) and i think they loved the chance to get to hold and love on baby dude.
we also now have an entire week of just mom at home under our belts while dad’s back at work and all of the relatives are gone and we’re figuring out the rhythms of our days and nights and learning to interpret his noises (and smells). we’re figuring out how to get around town together (we walked to the post office all wrapped up in the moby sling and figured out how to deliver a big box to the UPS store while also carrying a baby car seat) and just reveling in new parenthood.
favorite books so far:
Everywhere Babies by Susan Meyers and Marla Frazee–has beautiful rhythm, meaning and illustrations that portray so many different kinds of families! Plus, later when attention spans get shorter, we can just read the big words on the page and skip the smaller ones.
Haiku Baby by Betsy E. Snyder–I bought this one awhile back at Frugal Muse intending to gift it to someone probably, but the illustrations had me hooked and I decided to keep it. I’m so glad! I still love the illustrations and the little haikus on each page are a gentle read for little baby ears. My favorite is the one called “Flower:”
“In tickly-toe grass;
A buttercup offers up
Yellow nose kisses”
Snoozers by Sandra Boynton–this one came to us in a box of used books from a friend. I just assumed it was a collection of other Boynton favorites, but it’s not! It’s all original stuff and is hilarious. Each 2-page spread is a different “chapter” which might be nice for skipping around later in life and also has wonderful rhythm and humor (but then again, don’t all of her books? Isn’t that why we LOVE them?).
The funny thing is that at work, I generally am not all that fond of rhyming books (for the preschool set I often find them distracting, especially when the meter is off or when the author tries so hard to make the rhyme that it’s difficult to understand what they’re trying to say) and I steer clear of “gentle reads” preferring funny ones, but that’s because I’ve always believed that gentle reads are better for “lap-reading” than for storytimes. It’s nice to finally have the opportunity to appreciate them for their intended purpose! Baby Dude may not understand the humor in these books yet and he may not appreciate the pictures, but I know that he loves listening to the lilting rhythms and the sound of our voices. I love reading to this boy!
keep reading! i’m sure he loves hearing your voices. love the pictures! he is beautiful!!
He is such a cutie pie!! I’m so happy that your story has turned out to be beautiful! Happy belated Easter!
kudos to you for taking him to the post office. my kids dont get to go there until they are 9. i’m very impressed.
Nate just found “Everywhere, Babies” at Lakeview last week and Nadia is loving it! We’ve been reading it together at bedtime several nights in a row and she studies each page carefully, squealing with delight at some pictures. So its value will endure!
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