superheroes and sniffling

so… you know those word necklaces that many of you created awhile back in a show of support for us during this process?  I feel like we should have some sort of superhero connection through those (you know, “Activate, WORD POWER!” or something) that I can call on whenever I could use a little extra boost of support.  Maybe it’s called the power of prayer.  Either way, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers this weekend as we travel to Texas to meet “C” for the first time.  I’m kind of nervous and I’m battling a head cold on top of things, so, yeah.  I could use any help you’re willing to send our way.


#1 Andrea on 01.15.10 at 9:16 am

I happened to grab my necklace this morning after neglecting to wear it for serveal weeks… many positive thoughts coming your way!! safe travels, and sing what you can (even if it’s just in your head, thanks to that cold).

#2 kat on 01.15.10 at 12:35 pm

Mine’s on too… superpowers activate!
sending lots of prayers, thoughts, vibes etc your way…

#3 Molly on 01.15.10 at 2:44 pm

I am sending you some Buffy Power! Especially the kind from the last season when Willow cast a spell that made all the potential slayers actual slayers. I also hope you and your slayer powers get to eat some yummy Tex-Mex while you are there. xoxo

#4 Kathleen on 01.15.10 at 6:06 pm

I don’t have a word necklace, but I’m sending you all the power that I can muster!!!

#5 Shawn on 01.16.10 at 6:26 pm

I didn’t know that you were headed to TX this weekend, but I’ve been wearing my necklace for the past 3 days and will continue to do so. ACtivate, yes!

#6 blogapotamus on 01.17.10 at 10:46 am

Lots of fantastic thoughts!

#7 Angie on 01.19.10 at 4:49 pm

I hope you feel better really soon! It’s not much fun flying with a cold, it can be very hard on the ears. Sending you guys warm thoughts as you prepare to meet her this weekend!

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