I feel as if we’ve taken the Nestea plunge, into the pool, fully clothed.  I realize that in our situation, we’re talking about a “pool of candidates” and not an actual pool, but I’ve been coming up with clever phrases to announce here, on the blog, that we are “in the pool” (i.e. that our profile is being shown to potential birthmothers) and now, much to my surprise, we’re in!  We had been under the impression that our homestudy would have to be 100% complete before our profile would go public, so imagine our confusion when we got about 4 messages from the texas agency yesterday telling us that there was a birthmother who wanted to talk to us.  (Our homestudy is still on their editing table.)  Unfortunately, they’d called at about 5:26 and wanted to set up the call between us at 5:30.  And neither J nor i was near a phone to get the message.  And so we missed the opportunity.  The way it works with this agency is that they call us to say that a birthmother wants to talk to us.  They give us a phone number and a time to call (sounds very cloak and dagger, doesn’t it?).  If we miss the window to call, then they have to set up another calling appointment.  I was a little hyped up last night to say the least.  Not only were we in, but someone already wants to talk to us!  Woo hoo!  Maybe our profile is working!

The agency called me again this afternoon with a different phone number and time to call this same birthmother–this time with a full 45-minute warning!  I found a quiet spot at work (ahem, a closet), and made the call.  The first thing she asked was, “so, are ya’ll from Dallas?”  Hmmm…. maybe our profile didn’t work as well as I’d hoped.  We must still just look like another “rich” white couple that wants a baby.  Oh well, we talked for a good 25 minutes about this and that.  I think the agency usually has birthmothers choose 3 couples (from the profiles) to call and talk to and I know that she talked to at least one other couple before us.  It may lead to nothing, but at least I’ve got a phone call under my belt and we are most definitely in the pool!


#1 momma on 10.08.09 at 10:40 pm

That was fast. What did you think about her call?

#2 Katie on 10.09.09 at 1:08 am

Wow, this is extremely exciting. First, to be in the pool. Second, to have someone place you in the top 2-3 so quickly! Fantastic! Thank you for sharing your adventure with us. Sending good vibes your way!

#3 Shawn on 10.09.09 at 6:08 am

WOW!!!! This is incredible – magical – real! Let’s get together & talk soon!

#4 Shawn on 10.10.09 at 5:34 am

Wow, sounds like they want everyone to have cell phones. Even 45 minutes isn’t a whole lot of time.

And hey, it’s great news! Although after looking through it myself I never had much doubt that your profile would stand out and be appealing.

#5 Kathleen on 10.10.09 at 10:10 am

Wow Carissa! How exciting that you have a call already. That’s gotta make you feel hopeful. I love your profile and I’m sure there area many birth families that will like yours too.

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