and now we wait. yes, it COULD be a short wait, but our adoption agency’s forum recently posted a message stating that most of the birthmothers coming in to the agency have been requesting childless couples who live in Texas. So it could be a looooong wait. There could be lots of bumps along the way. Recently, I read (and began subscribing to) this blog which has a very sobering story about one couple’s wait. They’ve been chosen twice and both times the birthmother decided, in the very end, to parent her own child. I read this blogger’s story and found myself thinking, “this could totally happen to me. this person has done nothing differently than I would and this could be my story.” granted, there are also lots of other happy stories about people getting matched right away with a birthmother who is a perfect fit for their family… but there are also stories about people getting pregnant on the first try, and people getting pregnant on their first IVF, and so, if I seem a little reserved in my excitement about being done with the initial paperwork phase, I hope you’ll understand. I’m just trying to protect myself and be realistic. Even if we don’t have a birthmother who changes her mind, this could still be a long wait. I’ve got plenty of distraction to keep me busy in the meantime, but I could be waiting for this baby much longer than the traditional nine months.
a gestation period of indeterminate length
October 11th, 2009 | Uncategorized
1 comment so far ↓
HEY! Have you read this blog lately! These people who were in limbo for so long and had their heart broke twice now have a beautiful baby girl! I just am loving the fact that your example of a sad adoption story now has a happy ending.
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