getting a little bit ahead of myself

today i was at st. vinnie’s poking around for a possible dresser that could be converted into a changing table and although i didn’t find quite the thing i was looking for in that department, i wandered around the store for a few minutes to see if anything else caught my eye (because, why not?) and i noticed a sign advertising 50% off of any infant, size 0 clothing. i thumbed through the rack to see if any, non-gender-specific pieces caught my eye and couldn’t leave without these pieces:

if you can’t read the words on this jumper they say, “the lion is the bravest because he can jump through hoops [oshkosh].” I’m personally a little befuddled by this quote and puzzled as to why it’s on a baby’s outfit. first of all, do lions even jump through hoops anymore? Did they ever? I thought it was tigers. or chihuahuas. second of all, is that REALLY the best demonstration of the lion’s bravery? that he can jump through hoops? Not because he can survive out in the wild, chasing down herds of zebra? Not because he’s the “King of the Jungle” (and hey, do lions live in jungles? did I get that quote right?)? But for ME, I had to get this because of all of the “hoop-jumping” I’ve been doing lately. this jumper makes ME feel brave. too bad it doesn’t come in my size. Plus, the little loose red threads for the mane were just so CUUUUTE!

this one says, “tell me a story baby” and … do i even need to explain why this one had to come home with me? All told, these two pieces cost me all of $1.50, so the risks of purchasing them were pretty low. and now i’ve got some clothes to put into that dresser/changing table. if i ever find it.


#1 Sarah on 07.27.09 at 8:37 pm

You still can make me laugh out loud better than anyone. I think it’s a sibling thing. Colin has to do little more than look funny at Luke and Luke cracks up to the point of sucking air. Love ya, Sis.

#2 Katie on 07.28.09 at 12:43 am

Very cute! Baby clothes say the weirdest things – especially when they are in English and you are in a non-English speaking country. I think the hoop should be on fire – now that would be brave!

#3 Sarah on 07.28.09 at 10:40 am

Cracking up at the thought of you in the onesie! 🙂 Cute finds though…and totally practical.

#4 Rachel on 07.28.09 at 3:56 pm

AMEN to the jumping-through-the-hoops comment. However, we had our home visit on Saturday and are just awaiting “official” approval and THE phone call. But trust me, I feel your pain. Doesn’t it feel like we have to get permission from everyone under the sun to be parents? Crazy…

Anyway…good luck with everything. I have finally given myself permission to buy some baby things, but we’re still not at the nursery set-up stage. The lawyer says wait until we get home from the hospital, our social worker says wait until we get matched, or just go ahead and do whatever makes us the most comfortable. So I will pray that as you set up your nursery and wait, the waiting will be peaceful and pleasant!

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