a normal dilemma–for once!

we’re working on setting up a nursery.  i think i mentioned before that this was an “assignment” given to us by our placement agency because it a) gets us ready for a baby who might arrive with very little advance warning and b) because (some) birthmothers like to see photos of a decorated nursery.  so… just like any expectant parents, we are clearing out a room and filling it with baby things.  as we’ve worked on the project this weekend, i sat in the room and marveled at how this process sort of mirrors the larger process of adding a baby to our family and the schedule and lifestyle adjustments that will entail.  we’re moving furniture and other things into other rooms, and those rooms now feel a little more full, and we’re getting rid of some things and adding new things.

one of the big pieces of furniture that we need to get is a crib.  i did a little online browsing tonight to see what’s out there and… like most things in life… there’s a wiiiiide range of options.  should we go with a craigslist bargain?  (assuming it meets all safety standards, of course) or should we go to a big box store (IKEA, Target, Babies R Us)?  or should we purchase one of the handmade, responsibly-sourced-wood beauties from this etsy shop?  what’s the most responsible thing to do?  choose something cheap because the baby may not even ever sleep in a crib (prefering a co-sleeper or the Amby Baby Hammock that my sister swears by instead)?  choose something beautiful and durable that supports an individual craftsman who uses responsible building practices?

i sort of love having a non-adoption-specific dilemma.