post office, here i come!

i think we’re finally ready to send off the big fat application tomorrow.  we might have been ready sooner, but since they wanted recent photos of the interior of our house that took a little longer.  we just finished up a construction project in our living room on Friday (thanks, Myron!) and it all needed a coat of paint, so our house has been a complete wreck all weekend.  this evening, we were close enough to finished that we were able to clear rooms long enough at least to take pictures (good thing they’re not 360 degree photos!).  now, after fighting with our computers, a printer running out of ink, sending photos to walgreens for printing (gotta pick them up tomorrow), hunting through our medical insurance file, and eventually hand-drawing a floor plan of our house when the fancy computer program that J found online won’t talk to our printer….. I think it’s finally (well, ALMOST) ready to mail.

Now, back to focusing on our 5-8 page autobiographies….