if you’ve known me for awhile, you might remember some of the challenges i’ve made for myself in the past (baking bread once a month to learn how to work with yeast; the aids ride–400 miles on a bike in 5 days; the 365 days of getting rid of stuff (okay, that one petered out about halfway through); eating vegan once a week, etc.) and lately, i’ve been setting all of these ridiculous hypothetical challenges for myself in my head and then feeling guilty that i’m not doing all of them simultaneously. so i thought i’d list some of them here and have you all vote for which challenge you think would help me to find more of a sense of balance between working/being a mom/being a grad student/being a creative person/and being a healthy person. they are, in no particular order:
1. not eating out for a whole month
2. blogging (on at least one of my blogs) at least once a week through the end of the year
3. going to bed no later than 11:00 every night
4. exercising at least 3 times a week (i have SO fallen off of the exercise wagon and I can really tell a difference)
5. doing this 30-day yoga challenge
6. being allowed to only check google reader while riding the stationary bicycle
7. no more than one sweet treat per day (yes, this would be a challenge. pitiful, isn’t it?)
8. absolutely no tv (or google reader) until all of my homework is done for the week
9. carving out time to craft at least once a week
10. forbidding myself to take on any challenges that are doomed to cause me huge guilt if i don’t make them work–at least until I’m out of grad school or until Gabriel is sleeping through the night.
please vote for ONE in the comments section below. thanks!
my vote is for #4…for me, anyway, exercise is the thing that seems to have a + effect on all areas of life… and plus, then you don’t have to worry so much about #7, right.
i’m voting for #5 b/c yoga has changed my life. but if not that, then #4 is next. hope you can find some balance in your heart and mind 🙂
#1 too hard, #2 is pointless, #3 is a great idea, but not very practical, #4 might work, but #6 would take care of it. #5, I don’t do Yoga, #7 has helped me, #8 is probably not going to happen, #9 sounds like fun, but if it were a challenge it might end up a chore. #10, you’ll end up doing one of these challenges I’m sure, so #10 isn’t going to happen either.
I vote for #7.
any luck narrowing it down? I vote for #10.
Ooh…I am the queen of too many self challenges too.
I vote for 4 and 7 (maybe if you do more 4, it will be easier to do 7)?
Hmmm… my first thought was #2, but that might completely defeat #10. I think I vote for #6, as you can still get a creative vibe by reading blogs, cut down on your GoogleReader list (mine’s over 100 at the moment… yikes!) and you get exercise!
I suggest #4, not only because regular exercise makes everything better, but mostly because you commented that you can really tell a difference since you “fell off the wagon.” Great idea to combine #5 (yoga) and do yoga or other exercise at least 3 times per week! Good luck–love your blog!
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