
i just realized how behind i am on posting and taking pictures this month.  i’ve done more videos and i could have sworn i’ve taken more pictures, but they must still be in my camera.  too lazy/sleepy to go look.  anyway, here are a few photos and snippets from our lives:

–at the beginning of this month, i took baby dude to his two month doctor visit (yep, getting three shots sucks, dude.  i’m so, so sorry.) and he weighed in at 12 lbs 4 oz.  when the doctor came in, she asked how the baby was doing and then asked me how the delivery went.  this threw me for a little bit of a loop because it made me realize that i’d assumed there was a big red blinking indicator on our medical records that he had been adopted.  maybe because i thought that fact might make a difference in the assumptions the doctor makes about his health history?  she did give me a funny look when i started my reply by saying, ‘well, we missed the actual delivery, but we did get to meet him on his birthday.”  ha!

–in politically correct adoption-speak, it is more proper to say that a child “was adopted” rather than “is adopted.”  The past tense version clarifies that it was something that happened to him, but doesn’t (like the present tense) define who he IS.  For some reason, I’ve stumbled over this phrase when telling people our good news (it’s not like I tell everyone we meet that he was adopted, just the people who know me and have seen me frequently enough to realize that I wasn’t pregnant) until last week when I finally told someone, “we adopted!” which puts the action onto US and not him.  It also feels weird to say “adopted” in the past tense when we haven’t gone through finalization yet.  I mean, is it more correct to say that we’re in the process of adopting him?

–baby dude and i survived our first overnight alone this week.  j was out of town for work on monday night (and all day monday and tuesday) and it wouldn’t have been a big deal except that b.d. decided that this would be a good night to revert to waking up every two hours and then deciding not to really take a nap all day tuesday (except for the hour and a half where i strapped him to my chest in a moby carrier and went for a verrrrry long walk in the woods).  i’ll admit that i was reduced to a few tears a time or two the second evening when he just would. not. go. to. sleep. but we made it through (he eventually went down and slept for 4 hours, then one hour of screaming and then another long stretch before i got up at 5:30 to discover a very cheerful and wide awake (!) baby ready to greet the day) and i somehow managed to refinish and recover my glider & its cushions during those two days too, so it must not have been all that bad.  right?  i’ll share “after” photos of the chair sometime….

–i also thought i’d post some photos of baby dude meeting the family.  enjoy!

and one last shot of baby dude practicing his flamenco moves…


#1 katie on 05.24.10 at 7:05 am

baby dude is SOOO cute! Thanks for the pictures!

#2 momma on 05.24.10 at 9:29 am

His facial expressions crack me up.

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