we have a date!

yes, j and i are planning to go out to see some great movies this weekend and maybe eat at a restaurant or two….

but the real “date” news is that the c-section has been scheduled for march 9.



#1 Kathleen on 02.20.10 at 8:54 am

eep!!!! Yippee!!! Its going to be here so soon!

#2 Shawn on 02.20.10 at 12:42 pm

Oh-oh-oh! First you get me with the photo of the baby quilt and then I read this news. Tears of joy are being shed for you all, Dear Friends!!!

#3 blogapotamus on 02.20.10 at 1:39 pm

So soon! Fantastic! πŸ™‚

#4 Andrea on 02.22.10 at 9:32 am

Hooray! we missed you at retreat (I think cell coverage is getting better there, esp. at the perimeter of the building) but glad you could have some time together.

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