
In honor of Gabriel James joining our family, I’ve put together a mix of music for you to enjoy. Some of it is new stuff, some of it’s old stuff. Some of it’s kids’ stuff, some isn’t especially for kids, but would still be appropriate for kids. Below, I’ve linked to websites where you can download either the single track (for under $1 each) or, if that’s not possible, you can at least preview the song and then choose to buy the whole album if you like it. In some cases, I’ve linked to the artist’s website if you click on their name, but a site to download the song if you click on the song title. If you live here in town, most of this music is also available at your public library if you’d like to take it for a test drive before committing to the whole album.

As the mix titles indicate, the first set of music is a little more upbeat. I’ve started the mix off just a little bit mellow in case you want to play this as your child is waking up–it’s a more gentle way to greet the day than if I’d begun with, say, track #7. The second mix set is more subdued and would be lovely to listen to during quiet times. I hope that you enjoy this music as much as I do and I hope that at least a few of these artists make their way into your regular music rotation!

Good Morning Music Mix

1. Baby by Bobby McFerrin from Medicine Music

2. Honey Baby by Dog on Fleas from When I Get Little

3. Little Potato by Malcolm Dalglish from Welcoming Children into the World

4. Welcome Table by Dan Zanes from Catch That Train!

5. Surfer Mama by Kira Willey from Dance for the Sun

6. Ten in the Bed from 25 Fun Traveling Songs

7. Wake Up by The Verve Pipe from A Family Album *

8. Let’s Go to Work by Kira Willey from Dance for the Sun

9. Shoes: Farewell, My Pants by The Nields from All Together Singing in the Kitchen

10. When I’m Old by The Milkshakes from Great Day

11. Tongo! by Billy Jonas from What Kind of Cat are You?

12. Wishy Washy Washer Woman by Johnny Bregar from Hootenanny

13. Caterpillar Caterpillar by Kira Willey from Dance for the Sun

14. Big Boatload of Bananas by Steven Courtney Band from Rolling Home

15. Little Broken Truck by Caspar Babypants from Here I Am! *

16. Fast Monkey by Steve Songs from Marvelous Day!

17. In My Heart by Melissa Green from Round & Round

Sleepytime Music Mix

1. Cricket, Little Cricket by Steve Weeks (um, sorry, this song no longer available online!)

2. Pockets by Eric Bibb from Get Onboard

3. Sweet Pea by Amos Lee from Supply and Demand

4. Sparkle and Shine by Steve Earle from Washington Square Serenade

5. Listen to the Water by Kathy Reid-Naiman from More Tickles & Tunes

6. Like an Angel by Danielle Sansone from Two Flowers

7. Mockingbird by Peter, Paul and Mary from Peter, Paul and Mommy

8. When One Became Two by The Verve Pipe from A Family Album *

9. I wish you love by Sunflow from Under the Stars

10. Blanket by Danielle Sansone from Two Flowers

11. Home by David Tobocman from I count to ten and other very helpful songs

12. All Through the Night by Peter, Paul and Mary from Peter, Paul and Mommy

13. Chinese Proverb by Sweet Honey in the Rock from Experience 101

14. Miracle by Renee and Jeremy from It’s a Big World

15. Whisper by Danielle Sansone from Two Flowers

16. Blackbird by Bobby McFerrin from The Voice

17. Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel) by Cantus from Cantus

18. Go to Sleep, My Darlin’ by the Yurtfolk from Anyone Can Sing

*each of these artist’s websites contain entire songs that you can listen to for free (you can’t download them for free, but you can hear the whole song–or sometimes even the whole album–from their page)

We’re spending time relaxing with family in texas (yay! No more hotel!). Enjoy this music while we all wait!


#1 annabanana on 03.09.10 at 8:53 am

what, no mix tape?

#2 annabanana on 03.09.10 at 8:53 am

seriously, this is an awesome collection of tunes, thanks for putting this together.

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