yesterday, as I was on my run, I remembered the dream I’d had the night before in which I was attempting to lead a large crowd of people in a storytime (as I do frequently at work) only for some reason, instead of sitting at the front of the group, I was sitting in the crowd, near the front, but off to the side. and one of the employees of my local adoption agency (who also attends my storytimes in real life, coincidentally) was at the front of the room. she wasn’t try to lead the group (that was still supposed to be my job) but i was having a heck of a time trying to direct this storytime. in fact, it was pretty much utter chaos. so i finally just gave up and sang “The More We Get Together” as loudly as I could hoping I’d catch someone’s attention and to signify the end of the storytime so we could all just call it a day. I remember my main feelings were those of being completely frustrated (and slightly panicked) that I wasn’t able to control this large group of people and worried that people would think I was a bad librarian.
Hmmmm…. think I’m feeling the “loss of control” that all of the adoption books talk about as being an inherent part of the process?
But. . . . you knew how to wrap it up.
Well, you were also in the crowd of parents. So it also shows that you are starting to think of yourself not only as the librarian, but as a parent. Maybe.
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