yellow rose of texas?

when i came home from work today, i was surprised to see this bloom in my front yard.  a few years ago, before she moved, a friend gave me a large, shallow pot with an assortment of plants–one was a cactus.  I am a terrible plant host and this poor pot has sat outside for several winters, through ice and snow, it’s grown full of weeds and everything in it looks pretty pitiful.  i did add one or two plants to the pot, but the weeds have pretty much taken over.  the cactus–which is the only original plant that hasn’t died, i think– just looks sorta flat and has a few brown spots and i was honestly shocked that it hadn’t shriveled up and died years ago.  so when i drove up and saw this beautiful bloom on the cactus (along with 3 or 4 buds!) i was shocked!  i’m choosing to think of it as a good omen as we begin our journey to finding our texas baby.


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