one last (important!) piece of closure

today, after MONTHS of irritating back-and-forth phone calls and messages with both our infertility clinic and our insurance, we finally got notice that the insurance paid the last, big bill from our last attempt at IVF (which was, may I remind you, at the end of January).  I know that we are extremely lucky to have insurance that will even consider paying for this type of treatment, and that I shouldn’t complain that they took so long, but there were a few moments during that months-long process that I began to panic that they wouldn’t pay after all (which wouldn’t have been the end of the world, of course, but would have put an unfortunate dent in our adoption funds) and I was just so ready to move on, beyond fertility treatments, and this one last little bit kept hanging on–like a loose tooth that wouldn’t come out.  And then today, we got the statement from the insurance.  The tooth is out.  and the tooth fairy has paid.  hallelujah.


#1 momma on 06.22.09 at 11:30 am

Hallelujah indeed!! resume breathing.

#2 Mona Jean on 06.23.09 at 5:30 am

Yeah! I love your loose tooth and tooth fairy analogy! It makes so much sense how this dangling tooth was getting in the way of you fully and completely moving on. What a good feeling that the “fertility treatments” chapter is now closed!

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